Three Things To Consider When Buying A Home As A Single Person

Decades ago, people wouldn't buy a home until they were married due to social norms and legal restrictions. These days, more and more people are bucking tradition and choosing to purchase homes by themselves. In fact, research by the National Association of Realtors found 23 percent of first-time buyers were single women and 15 percent were single men. While a home is possibly the best investment you can make, here are three things you need to consider before taking the plunge. [Read More]

Need A Little House Music? Assemble A Soundtrack For Showing Your House To Buyers

Whether you are hosting an open house with your real estate agent or simply showing your home to a few people by appointment, you may find that great music can set the scene for a successful showing. After all, it can relax people, and it can also help them imagine themselves making memories within the walls of your home. When it comes to the best songs for showing a home, the beauty is in the ear of the listener. [Read More]

2 Things To Look For To Avoid Buying A Damaged Home

One of the hardest parts about buying a home is determining if the house is going to have hidden damage that either the current owners are unaware of or are actively trying to hide. Sure, an inspector can help you identify some damage, but there are a few things to look for that can help you identify potential damage before you even hire an inspector, such as the two listed below. [Read More]

Why You Should Combine Property Mangement With Your Condo Neighbors Who Rent

If you own a condominium that allows you to rent, you may wish to use a property management company to take care of the rental for you. Whether you own one or several rental condominiums in the building, a property management can make your job easier. When it comes to renting a condo, not only do you have to communicate with a renter, you also have to communicate with the condo board or management company. [Read More]