Will A Home Always Sell For The Offer Price? 2 Ways The Price Can Drop

The home buying process starts by making an offer to the seller. A home does not always sell for the asking price though. An offer can be higher or lower because of multiple offers or due to the home being on the market for a while without an offer. That said, even if the buyer makes an offer, it is not guaranteed that the home will sell for that price when all the paperwork is finished. [Read More]

Tips For Communicating Efficiently With Your Real Estate Agent

Your real estate agent is your guide to the world of houses that are currently on the market. In order to make sure that you use everyone's time efficiently, you will need to be sure that you are effective every time you communicate in getting your needs and desires across. Here are some tips for making sure that you are effective at communicating with your real estate agent. 1. Have the Exclusivity Talk Early [Read More]

4 Better Ways To Spend Your Time Than Packing And Unpacking

Many times, whether to hire professional packers to pack and unpack your home when you are moving is thought of as a question of time versus money. If you have a lot of spare time, you may save money and do your packing yourself. However, if you are pressed for time, have complicated items to move, or don't have a strict budget, you might hire professionals to pack or unpack your belongings. [Read More]

Securing Vulnerable Access Points: 3 Ways To Secure The Front Door

Home burglaries are not uncommon in the United States. In fact, approximately one house is burglarized every 15 seconds, and 33% of intruders enter the home through the front door. Securing the front door should be one of your primary concerns. If you're unsure whether your front door is safe enough, here are 3 ways you can further secure your entryways to make them a less vulnerable access point. Install a Deadbolt [Read More]