Don't Get Caught With A Clogged Dryer Vent

It's one of those things you rarely think about until it begins to cause problems -- your dryer vent. However, blockages of these vents can have dire consequences, and may even lead to a fire. In fact, nearly 5 percent of home fires are caused by a problem or malfunction in the dryer system, and another 32 percent of these dryer fires are the result of a buildup of lint or other debris in the duct system. [Read More]

3 Things To Know Before Attending New Home Open Houses

Attending new home open houses is a great step to take if you are looking for a house to buy, but it's important to know what to do and what not to do when visiting these homes. Here are three things to keep in mind as you begin searching for the perfect home to buy. Rules of Etiquette When homeowners or builders host open houses, they will welcome you into these homes during the open house hours. [Read More]

4 Things You Should Never Put In A Storage Unit

Using a self storage facility is one of the best ways to keep your belongings safe when you are moving or going on vacation. While most of the items that you would want to put in a storage unit can be stored with no problem, there are a few unique cases that you should consider. Here are four things that you should never put in a storage unit. Hazardous Materials [Read More]

5 Ways Free Boxes Can Ruin Your Move

No one likes to pay for moving boxes. Moving is expensive enough without having to purchase boxes that you will likely use once and throw away. To avoid this expense, many DIY movers try to rummage through local dumpsters and beg friends and neighbors for free boxes. However, this method of collecting boxes may backfire. Here are 5 ways your free moving boxes can ruin your move. They won't hold up. [Read More]